Monday, March 3, 2008

Having a Monday

This morning, after dropping Hannah off at day care, I hit myself in the face with my car door.

Yep, that's what happened.

Looking back on it, I still haven't figured out the logistics of how I managed to do this so spectacularly. I was in a hurry, and I wrenched open the door, and the next thing I knew was awful pain, disorientation and stars (you really do see stars when you get clocked in the face - who knew?). I didn't break my nose, and in the grand scheme of things I shouldn't really complain, but man - it HURT!

So I went back home, emailed people at work that I had to wait for the bleeding to stop before I could come in, cried a little and felt sorry for myself that a) my nose had a painful, bloody gash and b) I had to wear a Band-Aid on my nose like an 8-year-old.

I got over feeling sorry for myself but did spend the rest of the day feeling stupid. The good news is that the gash, under the powers of Neosporin and Band-Aids, seems to already look a bit better than it did this morning. It's still achy and is probably going to be bruised tomorrow. And I have a big presentation to do on Thursday that I imagine is going to be a bit awkward with a bandage on my nose. But whatever.

Then, when I got on my way to work, I decided I'd earned a Starbucks run. So I ordered my current favorite, a grande Cinnamon Dolce Latte (thanks, Vic - I used the gift card you sent me for Christmas!) and a blueberry muffin.

They were out of muffins. Whatever.

The whole day reminded me of the first bad day I ever remember having. I was in first grade. I was leaving school after what I imagine was a long and tedious day of learning my left from my right. It was raining, and I didn't have an umbrella. I dropped my yellow Cabbage Patch Kids lunchbox down the steps outside school, and it broke. When I got home, Mom asked me how my day was. And I said (I remember this vividly): "It's raining, and I didn't have my umbrella, and my lunchbox broke...and I have a headache!"

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