Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Give me a snowblower or give me death!

Okay, not that drastic, but still. We got another 5 dodecajillion inches of snow last night, which inspired twice the usual shoveling fun - once last night around 9:30 and again this morning around 5:30. It was good to do it in two parts, though, because waiting for the whole amount of snow to fall would have meant a MUCH longer shoveling experience. (Although this appears to be what all the neighbors with snowblowers are doing...hmph.) The good news is that apparently we're about done with this snowfall...and what we have is now just going to blow around all day. (I guess only the first half of that sentence was the good news.)

This is the snowiest winter we've had in a long time - our total for the season now is around 50 inches. I find that if I think about that too long, it makes me sad. I know it's worse in other places, but that doesn't mean we're not still buried in snow here!

Also, despite my last post about snow, no entrepreneurial 12-year-olds showed up with an offer to shovel our driveway. Which leads me to two conclusions: 1) no entrepreneurial 12-year-olds read this blog; and 2) there is a 12-year-old somewhere who could have been more financially secure this morning, and he or she doesn't even know it.

Okay...time to go get ready for work.

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