Thursday, August 28, 2008


You guys, we have GOT to elect this man. We've just GOT to.

Obama's acceptance speech was fantastic. Even the Republican operative/contributing analyst on NBC said as much. (And then we stopped listening to analysts, because they are generally annoying, and I'd rather just formulate my own thoughts.)

I have so many favorite lines: "Eight is enough!" "Change doesn't come from Washington; change goes to Washington." "America, we are better than these last eight years. We are a better country than this." It didn't make me cry the way his "This is the moment" speech in June, but it made me happy and hopeful. And it was really wonderful to feel that way.

His speech was smart, tough and inspiring. I think he's smart, tough and inspiring. More than 80,000 people showed up just to hear the guy talk. We've GOT to elect him.


Anonymous said...

He has an excellent speachwriter and good delivery, yes. And the historical significance is not lost on me. ...But I don't wish to see *any* Chicago politician in the White House. even this one.

Junkyard Dog said...

As my mother always said, "It takes all kinds to make a world." Including people who disagree with me, I guess.

A note on comments: I published this anonymous comment because 1) I don't mind if people disagree with me and 2) it's perfectly respectful. But I really prefer it if people leave a name.

And I won't publish inflammatory comments, ever.