Monday, August 20, 2007

I am not a psychic eggplant

I always said that Psychic Eggplant would be a great name for a punk band. Since I have finally come to terms with the fact that I will never have a punk band named Psychic Eggplant (except on Guitar Hero II), I decided to use the name for my blog instead.

I probably won't post consistently, or maybe even often. I will try to post things that are at least remotely interesting to other people. But the bottom line is that with a kid, a husband, two cats, a job, a house and however many other responsibilities, I just wanted somewhere to talk about whatever I feel like talking about.

Here's what I think is awesome about blogs: they completely encourage the narcissistic tendency to talk about yourself as much as you want. Real life is not like that. Awesome.

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