Thursday, January 10, 2008

Kickin' it

Today was one of those days that, if it were not against my personal policy (and all good sense) to blog about work, I would have a LOT of things to say, probably involving many words in all caps, lots of indignant exclamation points and several variations on the word "stupid."

But I don't blog about work, so you'll just have to wonder why my day was so annoying.

What all that frustration did do was remind me why I love cardio kickboxing so much, because it just so happens that Thursday is cardio kick night. Today's class coincided nicely with my exasperating day. I hadn't been to class in about a month because of Christmas parties, cavities and traveling, so I was a bit rusty...but my ability to visualize things as I'm punching and kicking the air is as razor-sharp as ever. And man, did it feel good.

Because I am a pacifist, I figure this is the best way for me to safely work out my aggression. Also, cardio kick is better for me than actual kickboxing, because I don't think I could actually kick or punch anybody, no matter how much protective gear was involved. Our instructor is really good, and she does a good job of pushing you in an encouraging sort of way. So you get a good workout AND you get to purge a lot of stress.

And in my case, I could work off the therapeutic cheese fries I had for lunch. It was just a cheese fries kind of day.

1 comment:

Redhoon said...

I should look into kickboxing here--it would help with school stress, I'm sure! If you need to vent about your day, shoot me a line! :)