Sunday, January 27, 2008

Last night of freedom

A funny thing has happened: I forgot to get nervous about going back to school. I start back tomorrow and I've hardly thought about it. It occurred to me last week that I should do something about getting my books (I ordered them on Amazon...the deal was good, but I'm not entirely sure I got the right textbooks. Guess I'll find out soon) and then it occurred to me yesterday that I probably needed to buy some new folders and stuff.

What happened to the freak-out girl from August/early September? I guess making it through the first term with some success means a lot.

This semester I'm taking a night class (6:30-9:00) every Monday and another 5 1/2-hour marathon class every other Saturday. In the twisted logic of my brain, I've decided this has the potential to actually feel like less work than last semester. I'm probably wrong about that, but I'm going to try to keep up the delusion for as long as possible. I am keeping positive by reminding myself that, after this semester, I will be 1/3 done with my graduate degree. That's pretty exciting. :)

So hopefully class will go well, I won't experience too much guilt about being away from home every single Monday, and the professor (I have the same one for both classes) will be good. And I'm really happy I'm not giving up every Saturday this semester. That was pretty brutal last semester.

Wish me luck on my first day back!

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