Thursday, December 20, 2007


So, today I had to get three fillings in my teeth. This was a crushing experience because I feel like my teeth are betraying me. I have been very, very good to them for as long as they've existed. I brush at least twice a day. I floss every day. I use a fluoride mouthwash. And until a year or so ago, I'd never had a single cavity.

And then I got one. Not a bad one, but it still required shots and drilling and general unpleasantness.

Then last week I went to the dentist for a regular cleaning. I love getting my teeth cleaned. It is just the most refreshing feeling, and I wish I didn't have to ruin it by eating soon after. The hygienist said I had "excellent" at-home care and that I should keep doing what I'm doing. Hooray! And then the dentist came in and said I had three - THREE - tiny cavities.

Our dentist is awesome. He's really, really good at what he does and it doesn't even really hurt when he gives you shots. There are many, many dentists closer to our house than this guy, and we go to him anyway. But I still think this all might be his fault, because I never had a cavity until I started going to him. Okay, I don't really think that, but it was funny to tell him so. I also told him that everything was falling apart because I'm turning 30 next year. He laughed at both things. And then he told me that I shouldn't feel bad about my cavities, and to come back for three fillings.

So I got three fillings today (all on the top), and my face was mostly numb for quite awhile this evening. It was actually pretty hilarious because one side of my nose ended up being numb, so I tried to crinkle my nose but only one side crinkled. That was weird, and funny.

Stupid teeth. I've taken such good care of them, and this is how they repay me. Argh.

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