Tuesday, December 4, 2007

That's enough London...

So...we're back. We've actually been back for a week, and I can't believe it's already been a whole week since I was in London. Back to reality, I guess. That's the worst part of vacation - when it's over. Although this time, it was okay that vacation was over because we both missed Hannah.

Our flight home from London last Tuesday was wonderfully uneventful. The only glitch was when Brock unknowingly bought carbonated water in the vending machine in the gate waiting area, and we both almost gagged when we tried it. The bottle said it was something like "England's preferred water" or "famous water" or something, but it was disgusting. Water is supposed to be still. If it's carbonated, you're supposed to add a bunch of high fructose corn syrup and carmel color so you get a nice Coke. That's just the way it is.

Anyway, I didn't sleep on the plane home at all, because it was during the middle of the day, so I read half a novel and watched Hairspray on the little in-flight entertainment thing. I liked Hairspray, although John Travolta as a very large woman is a disturbing thing. Very disturbing. They did feed us lunch and dinner, though, and both were pretty good, so I didn't have any complaints about the flight.

The best part about coming home was seeing Hannah. :) Brock's parents were wonderful and drove her home for us, so she was here when we got home from the airport. She yelled, "Mommy!" and gave me the biggest hug ever! She kept randomly hugging both of us for the rest of the evening. And she'd go, "That's my dad! Do you see Hannah's dad over there?" It was pretty cute, and nice to know that she missed us even though she had fun while we were gone. We're still working on backing off on some of the extra-demanding attitude she seems to have developed while we were in London, but otherwise we're pretty much back to normal.

And then Wednesday it was back to work, which felt weird. I mean, the first day after vacation is always weird, but it was odd sitting at my desk and thinking, "Just yesterday I was in London." We have to go back sometime. :)

Thursday I came down with an awful cold, which I still have, which made it definitely feel like vacation was over. I kept joking that I got the plague from all those medieval buildings we were in, but I'm pretty sure it was just the 8+ hours of recirculated air on the plane. Whatever.

When's the next vacation? I'm ready!

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