Saturday, June 14, 2008

From princess to mistress

If you happen to view my profile, you may notice that my occupation has been changed from "Princess of PR" to "Mistress of Marketing." This is because I've accepted a new job (a promotion!) at the company where I work. I'm quite excited about trying something new...and about recycling loads and loads of magazines from my cubicle that I'm no longer responsible for keeping. :)

I tried to find another royal title that started with M (to maintain the alliterative value I love so much), but all I could come up with was "Marchioness"...and that's not really very well-known or easy to say. So I went with "Mistress" instead. Perhaps not as regal, but still a lot more interesting than "Manager."

I start "transitioning" to my new job (read: starting my new job while still doing my old one) on Monday. I'm moving cubes, which is sort of sad as I am leaving the Best Cube in the Universe for something decidedly less wonderful, but the upshot is that I am really getting rid of a lot of stuff I never needed to keep in the first place. I have to shed the baggage of the old job so there will be room to accumulate baggage from the new one. *chuckle*

So that's my news. If you want more details, email me and I'll tell you...because this is as much as I'm going to say about work in a public forum!

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