Sunday, April 6, 2008

If you're reading this, you should take my survey!

It is time for me to beg shamelessly for your help (yes, you - stop trying to hide behind your monitor. I know you're there).

You see, I am but a poor student in a graduate-level marketing research class...a class in which I must learn the basics of marketing research, ostensibly so that I will one day be able to intelligently hire a marketing research firm to do high-quality work for my company without ripping me off. So, my big learning experience is that I have to do my own research project and then write a paper about it.

I'm doing my research project to determine demographics, attitudes and habits of people who read blogs. YOU read blogs. At least this one. So I am asking you to PLEASE, PLEASE take my survey. I need lots of responses so I can write a good paper.

Click Here to take survey

It won't take you very long, your responses will be completely anonymous AND you get the wonderful feeling that can only being achieved when helping a desperate grad student complete her major project.

Thanks for your help!

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