Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I am in the midst of final project prep. I will eventually also be in the midst of studying for my one in-class final exam (the other one's just a short paper, and really has no right to be called an "exam" in my opinion), but I can't think about that until the big projects are in the can.

In an effort to keep myself from having a nervous breakdown, last Friday I printed out nice, clean calendars and filled in which tasks I thought I needed to complete for each class each day until everything is due. I even color-coded it. And then I blew it on day 2 by switching everything around. Still, it makes me feel better to have some kind of list of what I have to get done, even if it is now in a not-as-useful format.

Instead of trying to attack both major papers at once, I decided to power through the one I actually had something done on...that way, I reasoned, it would be "out of the way" and I could focus on the other paper, on which I have done nothing but kill trees (ironically, for a paper on greenwashing) by printing out mountains of research I have not begun to read.

Tonight, dear readers, I am happy to report that I have a draft of the first paper done. It's the one about the blog reading survey I conducted. So if you took the survey, thank you - your responses became a crucial part of the 20-page masterpiece I've just drafted. :)

Of course, now I've stayed up too late for two nights in a row, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate myself for it tomorrow. But I have a draft done! Wahoo!

Which I guess means I am now out of procrastination techniques for reading that mountain of greenwashing research...wish me luck!

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