Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Things I am going to do when school is over

1. Hang out with my family. A lot.
2. Get a pedicure.
3. Read books for fun.
4. Go out for sushi.
5. Catch up on all my magazines.
6. Catch up on Go Fug Yourself.
7. Clean our house.
8. Eat lunch away from my desk.
9. Bake cookies with my daughter. Maybe even complicated ones that require cookie cutters. :)
10. Go back to kickboxing class.
11. Rejoice that I (wisely) decided not to take summer classes. Sure, it'll take me longer to get through school...but I am so burned out, and so stressed, and so generally disagreeable that I think it's the smartest thing right now!!

It is a sad state of affairs when "clean our house" is a more fun option than what I have to do, which is work on my ethics paper.

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